Had great fun at the chalet with the family
in Changi right beside the sea, nice view!!
got a lot of mosquito bites and as hot as hell...
1 May, father's birthday, dunno what 2 buy 4 him...
maybe treat him 4 dinner
another couz plans for surprize dinner...
Dunno leh, so troublesome...
11:58:00 AM

For those who thought 'Burning Rubber' is vulguar, this is a picture of what it really is

11:08:00 AM

Driving into dusk... Nice!

11:03:00 AM
Halo everybody
this is my blog page
hope u like it
Slowly going 2 improve it so be paitent...
9:54:00 PM

New York, New York anyone??

9:49:00 PM

This is a 2005 Ford GT which I am using in Grand Turismo 4
<...one of my favourite cars...>
Photo shot by... myself

9:36:00 PM