Being Cranked-Up today...
Today, i feel like i'm someone else
i went out of control and created a couple of things:
1) Nissan Lan-Jiao (Based on the Nissan Bluebird, so if any of your relatives own one, sorry!)
2) Vibrating Underwear for bachelors
I think that's about it
Rest well...
11:52:00 PM
Cranked up...
Just saw e advert for 'Crank'
I really want to be e guy in the film.
Not e body, mind u
the position, being injected with sumthing 2 seal up adrenaline, so if u dun hav fun, u will die.
anyways, watched death note and it is the first time since about i was in primary sch that i saw mind games being played like that.
I love mind games
ok, back to life with no life
Top Gear back in Jan 2007, haiz
suffering from re-drawal symptoms...
11:51:00 PM
Cranked up...
Just saw e advert for 'Crank'
I really want to be e guy in the film.
Not e body, mind u
the position, being injected with sumthing 2 seal up adrenaline, so if u dun hav fun, u will die.
anyways, watched death note and it is the first time since about i was in primary sch that i saw mind games being played like that.
I love mind games
ok, back to life with no life
Top Gear back in Jan 2007, haiz
suffering from re-drawal symptoms...
11:51:00 PM
Cranked up...
Just saw e advert for 'Crank'
I really want to be e guy in the film.
Not e body, mind u
the position, being injected with sumthing 2 seal up adrenaline, so if u dun hav fun, u will die.
anyways, watched death note and it is the first time since about i was in primary sch that i saw mind games being played like that.
I love mind games
ok, back to life with no life
Top Gear back in Jan 2007, haiz
suffering from re-drawal symptoms...
11:51:00 PM
Tag board's back, i'm gone...
"Sometimes, a joke dosen't seem funny..."
Well, gone a bit downhill recently when school reopened, but never mind, will patch up soon.
This sem is going to be a crash course through some silly subjects with even more silly lecturers and some broken this and that. Still, at least it is not boring. Tired yes, boring no...
Well, maybe yes, but just a bit.
Feeling cranky this few days. No idea why, it just happens...
Oh, i got a Lambo Diablo SV for b'day (diy model one, mind u) Thanks guys!
For zhenwei, a secret message, u will get ur day soon...
Pls put a tag in the new! tagboard.
Oh, and a youtube video.
The NTU one.And just a
small little favour.It's free, so don't worry.
9:26:00 PM
Wish monday psi 400, then no classes...
...coz mon is sch reopening.
Feels like the gates of hell have reopened, not just for us poly stuents, but also jc ppl taking a lvls in like 12 days.
Moving on, let's talk abt being 18
Being 18 means:
- Can buy/drink alcholic drinks legally
- Can buy/smoke cigarettes legally (not that i want to)
- Can watch NC18 movies (Finally, after 18 years...)
- Can buy Toto
- Can buy 4D
- Can go horse racing
- Can go learn how to drive
- Can be charged legally in court
- Cannot go to boys home
- Can go eat curry rice in Changi (if u know what i mean)
So there u are, now i can do all these...
12:07:00 AM
Ummm.... very sorri about that
will try to solve it as soon as possible
10:19:00 PM
Sian, still miss vietnam
After coming back from vietnam, my life changed.
It became boring and hazy
Seriously, i still miss Vietnam
I miss the:
-food (esp. Pho)
-notre dame cathedral
-still the scenery
10:08:00 PM

Home Sweet Home
yup came back baby
9:52:00 PM

VT Day 5
Woke up dead early, ST 06:00
Went for 2 hr bus ride, again, to Cu Chi tunnel up north
Went for tour
Den, chance, can shoot real gun
Bought 5 bullets for both M16 and AK47 each
Video soon...
Then temple visit for a ritual
lunch, then went back hotel
rest a while, den went to saigon tax centre for last minute shopping
then river cruise for full moon festival
group photos, no tut, Yay!
Sleep well
12:48:00 AM

VT Day 4
Same morning as the ones yesterday n 2 days before.
went to VSIP(Vietnam - Singapore Industrial Park, or as we like to call it, Very Stupid Idiotic Person)
Next, it's Dutch Lady factory where we saw how e milk is being produced
Later, garment factory
Lunch at Song Be Country Club just opposite VSIP, nice!
Orphanage time!!
The kids are just so lively and seemed pretty cheerful
did some activities with them and gifts
Dinner at a European Resturant
12:38:00 AM

VT Day 3
Woke up the same time as yesterday, ST 06:45
Then went to hotel's restaurnt for same breakfirst as yesterday's
Then a 2 Hr bus ride to outskirts of the city to the saigon river
Den went to Unicorn Island, like a visit to pulau ubin, except the boat is slower and the island is way, way bigger
Had some fruits there and narrow stream ride in their sampans, like going to capsize soon
Then rain...
nvm, went to the shops for souvenirs, coconut sweets
Lunch at the local restarunt
Back to HCMC to visit Muesum of ancient Vietnam and e different conquerers stuff
Main attraction: Water puppet
Dinner was a business forum at the resturant below the hotel
Got His Excellency, Jimmy Chua, some higher ups from IE S'pore and Director of Cannon
Tutorial, went to massage parlour just downstairs
Had foot massage, shiok!
Then went back to sleep
1:28:00 AM

VT Day 2
Woke up early this morning
went 2 Vietnam National University
Nice host for the day, interacted a lot
Next stop, lunch at a Chinese restaurnt in town
Then War Muesum, a lot of Viet War relics, gory pics and painful facts
see the atrocities the americal had done
To relieve the sadness, we went for a cyclo trip around HCMC D1, nice
Next, Ben Thanh Market where sellers poke and tap/flag u to go to e shop
Pho for dinner(actually it's Kuay Tiao, but 10x better!)
Tutorial again, haiz
11:22:00 PM

VT Day 1
Went 2 e airport at 11:30 for lunch
Met up with friends before entering e duty free shop
Flight delayed a bit so wait lor
Den went on the plane at 14:35 b4 take off
Arrived at HCMC at 16:20 local time (GMT +7)
Immigration waited for 30 min before geting out
Baggage collect,went 2 bus to tour around HCMC District 1 (The best!)
Dinner at a good local restaurnt, good!
Den when 2 hotel for checking in
Better than i expected
Tutorial (Yes, there really was one) in the hotel for trip to university the next day
Overall, I expect it to be a disapointment, but turned out fine
I quite like it
11:10:00 PM
Vietnam, here i come!!!
Just packed my bags, now loading up my psp...
Got digicam, stuff...
Flight stuff...
what can i say here is how i wanted to travel and my first time in a plane(pai seh!)
but what i will say is this...
See u in 7 days!!
9:39:00 PM