Let's talk about 'Why GST'...
Why Government So Taxy...
Sorri, but i have no time to do this now...
Rushing my projects
10:29:00 PM
Not Sure...
This is what i am feeling right now
Not sure to do this or that...
Not sure to gain or lose weight...
Not sure to rest or not...
Not sure why i am like that...
Not sure why i have this ill-fated life...
Not sure why am i like this...
Not sure if i'm ready for shit...
Not sure about my studies...
Not sure to be alone or not...
Not sure of facts and opinions...
Not sure of reality or an illusion...
Not sure of living or not...
Not sure if i am worthy...
Not sure... just not sure...
And does anyone give a damn?? NO!!!
Coz i'm just too fucked up, too shitty, too up-yours-in-the-face
11:03:00 PM
OH 2007 a Success...
Ya, except for a couple of issues...
1) The bloody deafening speakers, those can power a Linkin' Park concert...
2) The buggy systems, make a bug free system man, what is SWEN about den??
3) The crowds, which went 2 other booths more than us (maybe becoz of our exhibits are so boring)
4) The temperature, so bloody hot, its been raining for the pass few days, why not now???
Anyway, had some fun and sweaty bodies...
11:54:00 PM
Open House 2007
Come! Come to T... Well forget it!
I'm not a saleman with long-sleeve shirts and black coats
It's just that I'm involved n i just let people know that it's pretty fun
Not when u r showcasing ur products to the Principal, that is...
Need a drive soon...
Oh ya, getting my basic theory for driving this coming holis...
9:20:00 PM

Vista's here...
nice, very nice
but eats lots of resources...
u choose
10:23:00 PM
Fuck u kids...
This thing happened just below my house, e void deck of blk 107
there is a bunch of secondary school kids below...
From PRSS...
Den u know e stuff yeah...
but i was cool and remained silent...
I admit, i was wearing a bit shag...
If i was mad, i would've taken a chopper from my house back down there...
Scare the shit off their pants...
7:52:00 PM
Well, finished my resume and stuff for OSIP
den i thought of life and myself
i must be damn boring or fucked up becoz i realli don't know what 2 write for my resume and cover letter
now i can feel what others feel of me
Boring and Fucked upDAMN IT!!
Must take driving lessons...
11:48:00 PM
Do u have days which u droped everything in life?
Days where u get all mucked up of sumthing
Kept thinking abt past, present, future?
And then lose ur will to live?
And do u have days which everything was bright and sunny?
U think of all the good things in life?
Yesterday, today and tomorrow?
U feel like ur life is fufilling and u like it?
It happened to me on the same day...
12:46:00 AM
First weekend of 2007...
Let's recap the things i've done during the reopening of school
started 2 projects on the first day
passed it up on the 3rd
that's maddness
still got a Resume, Cover letter, presentation, report...
u know the lot
by mon...(exp. for e report which is on thurs.)
nice way to headbut into 2007... right!
1:43:00 PM
Hello 2007!!!
But we begin with a bit of bad news, the blog hasn't been revamped yet.
Sorri, but planning on making it better than last minute so just wait yeah.
The best is yet to come...
1:45:00 AM